Free Consultation

David Stackable

David Stackable

Project Consultant

Favorite part of your job: Being out and about meeting new people and helping them.

Hidden talents: Communicating and developing bonds with animals.

Spirit animal: A river otter.

Hobbies: Spending time with my dogs, hiking, yard work, listening to and playing music.

If you could spend time with anyone who would it be? Jesus Christ.

What is your definition of success? Being a consistently kind person to people and animals. Every living thing.

Favorite food: Steak, baked potato, a salad and a glass of wine.

If you could time travel, when and/or where would you go? Back when Jesus was walking the Earth.

In a movie about your life, who would you want to play you? Tom Hanks.

Childhood nickname: Stackabelly, belly, navel, stack, stacky.

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