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Tulsa Bathroom Remodeling Contractors

No time for a custom bathroom renovation? Stressed about the cost of getting the exact tub or shower you want? At Burnett Home Improvement, we understand these all-too-common concerns—and we’re happy to offer a better method for Tulsa bathroom renovations.

What’s the solution?

Work with our BCI Elite-certified bathroom remodelers to get your perfect tub or shower in as little as just one day! Despite the quick timeline, you won’t have to sacrifice any of the form or function you want. Our Tulsa bathroom remodeling contractors will help you personalize your new feature, have it made to order, and then install it quicker than ever.

Your Trusted Team for Tulsa One-Day Baths

Family-owned since 1979, Burnett Home Improvement offers home remodeling done with honesty and integrity—and our Tulsa bath remodel services are certainly no exception! We bring the engineering of BCI Elite along with our own dedication to excellence, resulting in top-notch solutions designed just for you.

From Tulsa bath conversions to shower and tub replacements, all of our BCI Elite renovations are designed for:

  • Efficiency: Because our showers and bathtubs are made to order based on custom measurements, we can complete installations in as little as one day.
  • Durability: Luxsan acrylic is a thick acrylic that’s guaranteed to never chip, crack, or peel. It delivers high strength, without the industrial look.
  • Easy Maintenance: Your Tulsa shower remodel will come with built-in Microban® protection, which naturally fights mold and mildew for minimal maintenance.
  • Affordability: Our custom-fitted products don’t just save time; they also reduce waste to keep installation costs as low as possible!

Best of all?

These many benefits are backed by a satisfaction guarantee direct from BCI Elite in the form of a limited lifetime warranty. As your partner in home improvement, we’ll stand behind our work and do whatever it takes to maintain your 100% satisfaction.

Contact Our Tulsa Bathroom Remodeling Contractors for a Free Quote Now

More than 31,000 homeowners across the region have turned to Burnett Home Improvement for bathroom remodeling and other exceptional home renovations in Tulsa. With over 40 years of experience, we know exactly how to deliver the quality you deserve.

Call our friendly local bathroom remodelers to learn more about our BCI Elite products, or see them for yourself by visiting our 4,000-square-foot showroom right here in Tulsa! To sign up for a free consultation and quote now, submit our quick online form.