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Lowell Remodeling Contractors

Since 1979, the remodeling professionals at Burnett Inc have provided top-notch craftsmanship. We listen closely to our customers and ensure they receive the ideal results for their Lowell property.

As one of the most important rooms in any home, our bathroom remodeling services help to create a comfortable environment. We install top-of-the-line products and have a team of certified installers.

Our services include:

  • Baths
  • Showers
  • Bath Conversions

Durable Baths

When your home's bathtub has seen better days, our team will help install a quality replacement tub. Our family-owned company focuses on bringing long-lasting value to customers throughout Northwest Arkansas. 

Burnett is a Luxury Bath dealer and focuses on installing premium products for homeowners. No matter the size or layout of your bathroom, we will provide the perfect custom tub. 

Quality Replacement Showers

As an experienced bathroom remodeling contractor, we know how to create a shower space our customers love. From our designs to features, we will ensure you receive a beautiful new shower.

While working with Burnett, you can enjoy the following service perks:

  • Warranty Protection: We back our bathtub and shower remodel services with generous warranty protection.
  • Quality Products: Our installers always use the highest quality bathroom products to ensure the best performance.
  • Free Consultations: Work with our design specialists and find a shower design that best suits your Lowell property.
  • Financing Options: While working with our bathroom remodeling company, you can choose various payment plans.
  • Custom Installations: Our bathroom remodeling services are customized to meet your unique preferences for your home. 

Efficient Bath Conversions

Transform the layout of your bathroom with our bath conversion solutions. We offer tub-to-shower and shower-to-tub conversions for our Lowell customers. 

During your bath conversion, our specialists will work with you to help you design your dream bath. We have decades of experience and have maintained a reputation for our workmanship.

Learn More About Our Bathroom Remodeling Company

Burnett is an award-winning bathroom remodeling company in Lowell. If you want to improve the style and functionality of your bathroom, we are ready to assist you.

Contact us today to request a free project estimate and learn more about our services. Call to speak with one of our friendly representatives or fill out the online quote form.