Free Consultation

Tontitown Home Remodeling Company

Since 1979 Burnett Inc has been providing excellent remodeling services. We are proud to bring our highly trained contractors to work in the Tontitown area providing full-service remodeling. Burnett Inc provides top name brand options at an affordable price point. We cannot wait to show you our large remodeling inventory. 

When you call our A+ Better Business Bureau remodeling company today, you will receive an in-home consultation to discuss your many remodeling needs. Our full-service remodeling company currently provides Tontitown:

Designer Window Replacements

Have you ever thought about customizing your windows? Do you wish you had air flow in rooms you do not? When you call Burnett Inc, our designers will go through every window in your home with you. We can help you find a new window with the perfect functionality, or replace the windows you already have. Contact our window installation team today to get replacement window options and materials that include:

  • Vinyl Windows
  • Wood Windows
  • Fiberglass Windows

Affordable Weather Resistant Doors

Burnett Inc is a family-owned business that cares about your home's exterior. Let us help you create the door that will welcome people into your home. Or we can help you find a durable sliding door replacement that exemplifies your fantastic outdoor space. No matter which new door you choose from with Burnett Inc you can be assured that it will be resistant to the elements and last a lifetime.

Luxurious Bathroom Remodels

Tontintown's best bathroom remodeler is Burnett Inc. We are a BCI Elite bathroom remodeling contractor that would like to help you update your outdated spaces. Let our design team come into your home to suggest what works best with the bathroom you already have, or we can help you redesign the perfect bathroom color scheme. You will not feel rushed into creating the perfect bathroom with Burnett Inc. Our bathroom remodeling contractors can provide you with services that include:

  • Shower Replacements
  • Tub Replacements
  • Bathroom Conversions

Call Burnett Inc Today for a Free Remodeling Quote​​

Our customer care team is standing by waiting to hear from you. When you call our staff, you will get a free design consultation and estimate. Do not hesitate, start your amazing remodeling journey today with Burnett Inc.