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Collinsville Home Remodeling

When looking for a Collinsville home remodeling company, select one with a proven reputation for excellent results and superior customer service.

Burnett Home Improvement is a family-owned business that has spent more than 40 years building our reputation, one flawless job at a time. We’ve helped thousands of homeowners make the home improvements they need, earning dozens of awards and countless positive customer reviews along the way.

Our team insists on the best for your home, and that shows in everything we do, from start to finish. For Collinsville window replacement, bathroom renovations, and more, we’re the trusted choice.

We offer:

  • Window Replacements
  • Door Installation
  • Bathroom Remodeling
  • Siding Replacement

Collinsville Window Replacements

Impressive performance from your home window replacement starts with a high-performance product. We install highly rated Infinity by Marvin windows that boast energy-efficient glass, thermal spacers, and other money-saving features. Quality installation is just as important as using trusted products, and you can count on us for expert workmanship that’s always backed by an impressive warranty.

Patio and Exterior Doors

Installing new doors might seem like a small update, but it’s one that can make a huge difference. The right Collinsville exterior doors will boost your home’s curb appeal, security, and energy efficiency. Whether you need new entry doors or patio slider replacement doors, you’re sure to find what you need among our large selection. Choose fiberglass, steel, vinyl, or wood options from such trusted manufacturers as ProVia, Infinity from Marvin, and Preservation Reserve, and we’ll custom fabricate your new door for a perfect fit.

Bathroom Remodeling

There are many reasons to invest in a bathroom renovation. Depending on your current and future needs, Burnett Home Improvement can help you update the style, functionality, and accessibility of this all-important space. Want to know the best part? Using Luxury Bath’s industry-leading products, our certified professionals will complete your bath remodel in as little as one day—and for far less than the cost of a traditional renovation.

Collinsville House Siding

We have several options when you choose us for Collinsville siding, and they all have one thing in common: They are all high-performance products from top manufacturers like Crane, LP SmartSide, and Everlast. Burnett Home Improvement offers vinyl siding, insulated siding, and engineered wood siding. No matter which type of house siding you choose, we’ll make sure you get the style you want and the durability and performance you need.

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Collinsville Remodeling Services

We stand out from the competition in many ways, but perhaps the most important difference is that we truly care about our customers. We aren’t interested in just making a sale to homeowners within our service areas; we want to earn customers for life. Contact Burnett Home Improvement today for more information or to schedule a free, in-home design consultation and quote.