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Sand Springs Home Remodeling

Your Sand Springs home is one of your most important investments, so when you’re finally ready to tackle those bathroom renovations you’ve been planning, don’t take any chances! Choose contractors with a solid reputation for providing exceptional customer service and remarkable results.

Burnett Home Improvement is a family-owned Sand Springs home remodeling company that delivers impressive service from start to finish. Whether you want to improve energy efficiency with a home window replacement or add value and functionality with a bathroom remodel, you can count on us for premium materials, flawless workmanship, and great value.

We offer:

  • Window Replacements
  • Door Installation
  • Bathroom Remodeling
  • Siding Replacement

Sand Springs Window Replacement

We want the best for our customers, and that’s why we’re so pleased to offer Infinity by Marvin windows. These high-performance windows boast impressive style, durability, and money-saving performance. You’ll have your choice of several windows styles, so it’s easy to find something to suit every room in your Sand Springs home.

Sand Springs Doors

Sand Springs exterior doors should be stylish, secure, and energy-efficient. Whether you need entry or patio replacement doors, you can count on us to deliver exceptional products at competitive prices. Welcome friends, make the most of your outdoor space, and enjoy the peace of mind that you’ll experience with the innovative security features and high-performance energy efficiency of our doors.

Sand Springs Bathroom Remodeling

Have you been putting off a bathroom renovation because you suspect it will cost too much or take too long? Burnett Home Improvement has solutions to make you think again. Our certified installers provide expert installation of Luxury Bath tubs and showers and complete most installations in just one day. Plus, our bath renovations cost less than a traditional renovation. Fast, affordable, flawless. What more could you want?

Sand Springs Siding Replacement

Wrapping your home in a new layer of siding adds more than beauty; it also protects your home from moisture damage, wind, and debris. Our Sand Springs house siding installation professionals are proud to offer top brands including Exterior Portfolio by Crane, Everlast, and LP SmartSide. From pre-finished options to advanced composite, you can depend on us for expert installation and comprehensive warranties that give you total peace of mind.

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Sand Springs Home Remodeling Services

We’re proud to provide home renovations in many service areas including Sand Springs. Contact us to learn more about our services, products, and financing or to request a free, in-home consultation. Call today or fill out our online form now to get started.